Information About This Site

Nick name Position E-mail
Kravvitz Webmaster, founder
wthigon News Editor, Content Manager


If you have any questions or comments about any of the information covered on this site, including the links to various sites and files, feel free to contact me. Also if there is a program or site that you would like me to consider adding to my resource links list or have some other idea on how to improve this site, then I would love to hear from you.

Please do NOT send e-mails with attachments to me without prior arrangement.

By e-mail:
By MSNM: and
By AIM: Kravvitz2002
By Y!IM: Kravvitz2002   YIM Status
By ICQ: 169624874     ICQ Status


Original layout by: The_kid
Banner and Button by: Sk8erkid
Tableless layout by: FallenHawk
Backgrounds by: Medalmonkey and DeeZel
MSNM Launcher Script by:  Sleipnir
Blue skin by: Clazzy


The "Red" skin was the first skin made for this new layout. The background patterns used for it were made by Medalmonkey and DeeZel.

ESR Tribute is a tribute to Editing Source Reincarnated, my first web host.

Clazzy designed the color scheme and logo/banner used in the "Blue" skin.

If anyone would like to make another skin, please contact me and I will be happy to provide you with more information.

This site uses a lot of CSS, so it does not look very good in very old browsers, like Netscape 4.x and Internet Explorer 4. If you are using an old browser like those, I would like to encourage you to upgrade to a newer browser like Firefox or Opera. Make sure that Style Sheets are enabled in your browser. It should look the way I intend it in Firefox, Internet Explorer 5+, Netscape 7+, and Opera 7+.

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If you would like to link to this site, there is a button available upon request.